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When fitness is the topic, the most obvious thing that comes to mind is regular and befitting exercise. Actually, fitness and keeping in shape is all about exercise and more – our work habit, eating habit and resting habits also go a long way to decide our health status and fitness. Below are 10 ways that can help keep you in shape and properly fit.

  1. Maintain a Quality Exercise Routine

It is pertinent to understand that quality exercise is neither dependent on how long you work out within a certain time nor your rigidity with certain exercise routine. Rather, it depends on your determination and basic motivation.  Any type of exercise is good enough. Maintaining routine exercise may seem quite challenging at first; however, the hardest stage is usually, starting. It is easier to beginning a little flexibly. Don’t aspire to exercise like a professional too quickly – grow with time. The actual goal is to get the body moving. Always keep in touch with why you need to exercise. As long as you keep your goal in focus, your desire and love for exercise will not wean.


  1. Breathe, Stretch and Cool Down

After workout, there are unique habits that will certainly aid your body fitness and wellness. You will need to undergo a conscious breathing session, stretch your body and allow it to actually cool down. This basically aids you to de-stress and foster your neuromuscular system. After a perspiring exercise session, as soon as possible, undress; get those sweaty clothes off your body for the love of your skin and prevention of acne; play a relaxing music and stretch your body to aid your muscles’ flexibility. This will keep your muscles strong and healthy.


  1. Get yourself a prop or Publish Your Routines.

Irrespective of your purpose and determination, sometime, your body just don’t feel like exercising. This is when you mostly need a person to act as a confidence prop for your zest. Usually, the best exercise prop is a co-workout colleague. However, it could as well be a loved one or a friend.

You may likewise, share your exercise goals on social media and let your followers act as your prop. Your effort to keep them entertained will always lend you the strength to carry on even in times you feel discouraged.


  1. Eat Healthily.

Feeding rightly is an integral habit to keep you in the right shape. Drink, at least, 2 liters of water daily and eat adequate number of fruits and vegetables.  Make sure you choose your food combination rightly. Take more wholesome foods, 45% rich in carbohydrate, 30% protein and ensure your fat consumption does not exceed 25%. Nutritionist recommend you limit processed foods, sugar and salt intake. You should likewise add fibers to your meal – legumes, nuts, pastas, cereals and whole-grain breads. Ensure your day starts with a healthy breakfast.


  1. Take a Walk.

Basically, there should be no excuse for not using your legs. Taking motorized transportation everywhere you go is unhealthy and a poor fitness choice. Medically, it is advised to take, at least, 30-to-60-minute walk in every 24 hours. Walking goes a long way to enhance fitness, alertness and general bodily healthiness. Make walking a planned scheduled. It will make a lot of difference to your heart and general body fitness.


  1. Observe Hourly Bodily Shakeup

Some works requires you to sit, hunchbacked to a keyboard all day. This can easily lead to some health and fitness issues. Don’t be too busy that you forget to get up and shake up your muscles regularly. To ensure a conscious bodily stretching and shake up, you may get an alarm wristwatch. Set it to ring at every 10-minutes to the next hour. This will alert you when its is time to release your curved muscles. Staying fit requires that you sometimes get up, walk around and just get those carved body to stretch out.


  1. Maintain Healthy Sex Life

Regular and healthy sex adds a lot of benefits to general fitness and keeping in shape. Aside the fact that sex itself can be quite fun and an invaluable morale booster, sex is also a very great form of exercise. Many researches testify to the efficacy of sex in body calories burning which may be just as efficient as a regular exercise session. However, it is important to emphasize the need to maintain a healthy sex habit.


  1. Observe Healthy Sleeping Habit

Staying fit and keeping in shape isn’t going to be achieved by only exercising. You need to do the opposite by sleeping comfortably and healthily. To maintain a good sleeping habit, medical experts encourage the observation of 8 hours daily sleep time.  Sleep largely imparts our mental and physical alertness. The adverse effect of poor sleeping habit includes mood swing, lack of concentration, poor metabolism, memory loss and heightening of body stress hormones. It can likewise negatively impact both the cardiovascular and immune system.   Sleep is essential for the body to stay fit, in shape and rejuvenates.


  1. Switch off

Creating a peaceful and silent moment is a basic requirement that fosters physical and mental fitness. Our daily activities impact our health greatly. Some people get so busy with work that they only take a break in the hospital. Staying fit both physically and mentally requires that you maintain daily quiet times, in which you are able to silence all the work and worrying engagements of your mind. Put off your phones, technological gadgets and noises all around you; just let your mind go blank and free. Maintain a balance ratio time of work, exercise and ultimately, rest.


  1. Observe Routine Medical Checked-ups

Medical check-ups will help you stay in good shape and fit. A usual and routine visit to your doctor can help you to detect any unexpected health challenges and tackle them in time to forestall possible escalation. Also, getting to understudy your own body functioning helps you to know when you need to see a doctor. It is always easier to maintain a regular medical checkup if you have an insurance to cover you. Regular medical examination of your body is definitely going to do you a lot of good in your desire to stay fit and in the right shape.